Nineties fashions are back. And it’s not only about clothes, hairstyles, music, or colors but also the visuals. It is not entirely clear where the graphic designers and photographers of the time, who were creating music album covers left and right, drew their inspiration from. Lithuanian cassette tapes were a rather unique aesthetic phenomenon. Hundreds, if not thousands, of these covers were created and you can find many of them on Discogs if you enter the labels of the time – Pop Centras, M.E.G.A. Records, Koja, Bomba, Pūkas – into the search bar. One collector was kind enough and dug up some that impressed us the most. Stay inspired!

Ekspresas Pirmoji naktis
(Pop Centras, 1994)
The phenomenon of post-Soviet glamor in a cult sound form has been making both teenagers and adults grin for several decades.

FAKS Nesąmoningi norai
(LNK Records, 1997)
The attempt of Lithuanian alternative rock to conquer the post-Nirvana fever-stricken more sensitive music world which has gotten into heavier sound.

Džordana Vėl po metų
(M.E.G.A. Records, 1995)
The 1990s in a nutshell: short skirts, oversized jackets, lots of glitter and chunky jewelry, and the Queen herself ascending her musical Olympus.

Soniclove Nepriklausomi
(M.E.G.A. Records, 1995)
An Easter egg that was ahead of its time and is experiencing a new wave of popularity in the underground of music lovers. It inspires even the current releases of Kaunas electronic music scene.

F.U. Laikas…
(M.E.G.A. Records, 1997)
A tandem of menacing synthesizers and candid rap that kept up with the trends of European dance music at the time that all the ravers with oversized clothes danced to back then.

Mercy Dance Pamaiva
(Pūkas, 1995 m.)
The debut of perhaps the biggest stars of Pūkas’ young audience, paving the way for four more dance music and pop vocal albums full of hits.

16 Hz Pavasarinis sniegas
(Pop Centras, 1995)
The establishment of the kings of the party and authors of heady schlagers in a local market before the more polished sound inviting everyone for a sing-along came about.

Mink Taką Spalvos
(Pop Centras, 1998)
A record produced by teenager Raigardas Tautkus that expanded Mink Taką band to a full gang and launched Marius Jampolskis’ career.