Do you still remember such data storage format as CD? The artefact that Lithuanians associate with the influx of anything Western after the restoration of independence has quite a classy story.

As you know, the CD holds up to 74 minutes and 33 seconds of music or another sound. Because that is how long the version of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony performed in 1951 took. It was performed slowly and conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler, and it was this recording that another conductor – Herbert von Karajan – recommended to the manufacturers of the compact disc.
Full of mysteries and stories – and the personalities behind them – music today is no longer limited by minutes, centimetres or borders. In the digital ocean, the amount of it increases every second. There is a danger of drowning but missing out on something is equally scary.
Traditionally, we dedicate the April issue to music. This time to the one that can be called eternal. Which may not be created as quickly but can be discovered over and over again. Coincidence: the heroes of our articles, although all connected to Kaunas, wander around the small and big worlds, spreading not only their art but also promoting Lithuania. While we are still limited by you know what, we are completely free to immerse ourselves in music. Enjoy the reading and then listening. You will not run out of recommendations.